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Board of Health Minutes 8/27/18


Date:  August 27, 2018
Present:  John Makuc, Roy Carwile, Julio Rodriguez and Peter Kolodziej
Also present: Susan Sellew, Mike Germain

The meeting began at 4:02pm

  • Susan Sellew came in to discuss the permitting requirements for vendors participating in the farmer’s market.  She requested leniency in the permitting requirements to allow for vendors to participate without a hardship of local permitting requirements.  Peter explained why there was the requirement for the serv-safe certification which focuses on the proper transport and storage of foods that are potentially hazardous.  Peter also explained that state guidelines/regulations don’t always jive with local regulations.  She also requested that the Board considering lowering the permitting fee for farmer’s markets since they do not operate all year round.  The Board requested more information before committing to anything.  Julio will also find out how much extra it would cost to add this testing to the regular testing the Parks Department performs.
  • Mike Germain came in to discuss cyanobacteria in Lake Garfield and measuring the activity.  The Friends of Lake Garfield have all the equipment necessary to collect the samples but are having difficulty finding people interested in collecting twice a year to be sent to the EPA.  There are no requirements to test or monitor only to post warnings if it can be seen.
  • Peter reported that the Seven Arts well situation where the wells were put in as an emergency; the Board of Health is still waiting on the paperwork.
  • Peter reported that Hume did not submit the injury reports to the state in the proper timeframe.  An administrator will be at the next meeting to discuss how to improve on this and who are the backups to the Director should he be out.
  • The minutes from 6/4/18 were approved.
  • The next meeting will be Monday, September 17 at 4pm.
The meeting adjourned at 5:20pm
Submitted by,
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant